
Visiting Gitgit Waterfall with Jerlyn

Gitgit waterfall is located in north Bali. Gitgit is the name of the village, since the waterfall is located in this village, that's why it is called Gitgit waterfall. I guess. There are more than one waterfall in Gitgit. Maybe there are three. I chose the oldest one, because the path to the waterfall is quite well maintained. For those who loves adventures, you may chose the other waterfalls. The path to the waterfal is about 350 meters long. And before you say it is not that far, remember the path is not flat, but it is up and down with stairs here and there. So, for those who don't visit gym regularly, it is quite a struggle.   This is Jerlyn, from Singapore. She said that Niagara waterfall is much bigger than Gitgit waterfal. Well, I am speechless. Never been to Niagara waterfall.   The photo of sign board that says Welcome to Gitgit Waterfall. If you don't see any waterfall in this photo, it's because it's not there.  You need to start

Early Morning in Lovina: Dolphins Sighting

Just nearly six in the morning, I arrived in the beach of Lovina at North Bali. I have drove for about 2,5 hours from Kuta, Ghanna Inn, to pick up my clients to go see dolphins. The road to Lovina is quiet since the locals were still asleep. But there are some tourists cars arriving bringing tourist who will see dolphins. MOst of them are Asian tourists. I met the local fisherman, Gobang, whom I contacted earlier. He would take my clients, Shafinaz, Afif, Syafiq, Diana, and Nadia (ops, maybe I dont remember their names now) on a boat ride into the sea. As we arrived there, many people queued for toilet. There was only one public toilet just behind a restaurant located near the beach. Cost was 2000 rupiah to go to toilet. As the clock struck six o'clock they were ready to sail. I have done the dolphin sighting in the past. So, I did not do it this time. About 2 hours later, they came back. "Did you see any dolphins?" I asked. "yes, we did. We saw a

Touring with Shafinaz and friends.

It's been a long time since I have last written any post in this blog. The touring business had not been very good with me. Too many competition on the internet.  And I have been busy venturing other things. So,  here is a post about my clients from Malaysia. I took them to popular places around Bali. We went to Kintamani, to see the beautiful view of mount Batur, tasting the luwal coffee, watching the kecak dance and going on water sports. For water sports, they did the parasailing, the underwater walking, and riding jet skis. Here are some photos.

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Hari itu, kebahagiaan Gondappa tak dapat dilukiskan dengan kata-kata karena pertama kali ia bisa melihat anaknya mampu bertahan hidup sampai merayakan hari ulang tahunnya yang kelima. Sebagai ucap syukur, Gondappa melakukan handwalk (berjalan dengan kedua tangannya dengan posisi kepala di bawah dan kaki di atas) dari rumahnya di Desa Thesgora ke kuil setempat. Tahukah anda bahwa dua juta anak meninggal setiap tahun tanpa bisa merayakan hari ulang tahun kelima akibat diare dan Pneumonia? Penyebabnya karena kuranganya pengetahuan dan kesadaran akan pentingnya kebersihan, seperti mencuci tangan dengan sabun. Kegiatan sederhana hanya dengan mencuci tangan tangan dengan sabun mampu mengurangi resiko diare sampai 42-47%, tetapi hanya 2% ibu-ibu yang tinggal di desa Thesgora membiasakan anak-anaknya mencuci tangan untuk menjaga kesehatan. Menurut Badan Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) di Indonesia sendiri, 100.000 anak Indonesia meninggal tiap tahunnya karena terjangkit diare. Padahal resiko ini da