The cheapest way to travel from Sanur to Nusa Dua
So, you want to know the cheapest way from Sanur to Nusa Dua? And you want a good quality transport too? Well, although the saying "cheap but good" will arouse enough scepticism for some of you, but hold on. I will tell you this, instead of paying taxi fare of Rp 100,000 or around USD 12, you can pay only Rp 3500 or just USD 4. Are you interested? Introducing The Trans Sarbagita The Trans Sarbagita transport connect villages or towns along the main street called By pass Ngurah Rai. Some of these villages are Batubulan, Sanur, Nusa Dua, and Kuta. The transport is very reliable and comfortable since it operates every day. And it is very easy to spot one of the transport vehicle. It is a big air conditioned bus with 40 seats. The bus is blue in colour with yellow stripes. But it has the words " The Trans Sarbagita" painted on its body. If you are in Sanur, just head to the main street of Bypass Ngurah Rai, look for the bus stop area (halte bus) and wait for the ...